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3 Ways HR Strategy Can Support Your Business Growth

Calling in an HR strategist to respond to a crisis can be a great idea. HR professionals are often experts at putting out fires and keeping the people in the organization moving forward in a positive way. What you may not realize, though, is that these HR strategists can also help you develop and implement your business strategy and goals.

Many of our clients come to us because they are spending more and more time responding to issues under the HR umbrella, such as performance issues, recruitment challenges, and compensation requests. They learn quickly that the time they have left to focus on their business is diminishing, and their business growth is becoming more reliant on implementing a sturdy HR strategy.

These day-to-day items that begin to fill their to-do lists are usually tactical in nature, and often administrative. These can include such things as helping your team align with policies, keeping the organization compliant with employment regulations, or responding to questions about benefits or other organizational programs. However, over time it becomes evident that there is a larger piece to the HR puzzle that is critical to setting the company up for success: developing an HR strategy.

Organizations today are growing faster than ever before, and are more responsive to changes in the industry, the market, or technology. Business leaders know the value of an organizational strategy and its importance in setting a plan in motion to get the company where it wants to be. It is no different in HR, and in fact, an HR strategy is a key component to an organization’s ability to achieve its goals.

How HR Strategy Supports Business Goals

HR supports the execution of the organization’s primary strategic goals through:

1. Implementing Business Goals in All Aspects of the Company

HR must have a clear understanding of the organization’s business goals in order to speak, and to lead, from an informed position. No one can expect an HR department to be effective when it is not included in strategizing, planning, and problem-solving at the executive level. From this vantage point, HR is able to then implement the company’s true goals and aspirations from the top down as it works with each employee throughout the organization.

2. Assessing The Current Landscape in Terms of Resources and Capabilities

There is nothing more key for a business’s growth than having a dedicated partner that can analyze the situation in a practical light. The business may have revenue targets or expansion plans, but high-performing team members are key to achieving those goals. An HR strategy includes developing plans to attract, engage, and inspire top-notch talent, and elevate organizational performance through coaching, training, and support.

3. Highlighting Areas of Risk

Being able to pinpoint areas of risk within an organization can cover a multitude of aspects, such as compliance issues, workforce trends, and budget impacts. An HR department is also designed to detect risks in resources, including employee satisfaction (which can impact productivity and attrition rates), employer reputation (which can have a tremendous impact on a company’s ability to attract talent), or any other number of risk factors that may crop up based on organizational initiatives.

There are many leaders who recognize the importance of an effective HR strategy, and who choose to implement it before there are fires to be put out. Would you try to grow your business without a marketing or sales strategy? Of course not! It’s no different with HR. Having an HR strategy for your organization is key to growing a successful and sustainable business.

Tulloch Consulting provides strategic HR services to businesses across North America.

For more information, contact or call 1-778-378-9397.


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